
Monday, 29 May 2017


We did an experiment on density
What happens when you drop an egg into an ordinary glass of water and an egg into salt water?
1.The egg in the ordinary glass of water sank to the bottom because it wasn't dense enough for the egg to travel through the water.
2.The egg in the salt water floated because the water became dense and the egg couldn't travel through the water because of the density.
This happens because saltwater is denser or heavier than ordinary water. It was easier for the egg to float

Image result for density demonstration

Monday, 22 May 2017

Today room 10 had kiwi sports in the hall on Thursday 18 may 2017. There was another coach called Antonia working with Chrissy.

First, We did a warm up shore, shark, sea. We had to run to one side of the hall, when she called shore and if she said sea you run to the other side of the hall. But if you called out shark you run the other side of the hall.

After that, we did four different types of passes, one of them were called a chest pass, the rest of the passes were called bounce pass, overhead, and a shoulder pass. It was very challenging and difficult to try and pass and catch the ball both.

Soon after that, we got in a group of six and one half would go behind a cone which  was on one end of the court and the other half would go on the opposite side.Then we walked with the ball to your other half of the group turning the ball around our weights without dropping the ball. We did three other challenging things were putting the ball through our legs, over and under, and throw the ball up and clap three times before catching the ball. It was very difficult.

Finally, we all came in and put the balls back. This was a lot more challenging than room 10’s first Netball lesson.

Friday, 19 May 2017

towns and cities

Related image
New zealand
Mt Wellington
Mt Te Ūpoko o te Ika


Image result for cute rottweiler

This is a rottweiler.Rottweilers were originally  dog breed to dog cattle to market. Later they were used to pull carts for butchers. They were one of the earliest police dogs and serve in the military. Most important, they are popular family guardians and friends.

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The Rottweiler is a breed of domestic dog, regarded as medium-to-large or large.The dogs were known in German as Rottweiler Thunderhead, meaning Rottweiler butchers' dogs, because one of their uses was to pull carts for farmers and butchers carts for farmers and butchers.

Friday, 12 May 2017

compass directions

Room 10 had an exciting fitness lesson with directions today. The directions were North, East, South, West, North-East, North-West, South-East, and South-West. After every direction we did either a star jump, hopping, or touching our toes and jumping as high in the air as we could. We did fitness inside because outside was wet. I enjoyed fitness because I felt very energised afterwards and I was ready to learn.

File:Brosen windrose.svg - Wikimedia Commons

Friday, 5 May 2017


Today we had fitness with Mrs Raj we were learning about geometrical shapes.We got into two groups to make it a challenge.Kowhai went with Rata and Nikau went with Kauri.

First group one did a rectangle,group two did a circle and we all did different shapes,when we finished doing a shape Miss Card took a picture of the shape.

Later on, we said three facts about the shapes we made we made with our groups, it was pretty hard to answer the three facts.

After that, Mrs Raj told us to go around the netball court and find some shapes.

At the end, we did some 10 star jumps, 10 push ups, 10 step ups, and touched our toes and jumped up.